Thursday, September 13, 2012

Are you going to try for another?

A few random "ah-ha" moments from the week...

It doesn't matter how often I do the their laundry, my children manage to fill up their hamper before I get a chance to put the last load away.

If I wait long enough, I've almost emptied the dishwasher by using the dishes in it!

I can get a week's worth of work done if I just get to work 30 minutes earlier...and close my door.

No one compares to your favorite babysitter.  (Who happens to be coming home from college next weekend...already booked her!)

Even when I say I'm going to go to bed early, it NEVER happens!

Okay, now on to the important stuff...

No mother wants to be judged.  Especially not by another mother, or worse, another woman who doesn't have children (and happens to still live a "dream" life).  So in order to "save" herself, if a mother wants/needs to say something that might be perceived as negative, she will undoubtedly begin with something like, "Don't get me wrong, I love my kids..."

So, don't get me wrong, I love my kids (lol), but last week I spent a lot of time with Sophia.  Because I stayed home from work with her two days last week, I had the opportunity to just hang out with her.  I didn't have much work to do at the time, so it was kind of nice.  She wasn't feeling well, so we couldn't do much, but it was nice to just hang out with her.  At one point we were sitting on the couch and I thought about how much easier my life would be if we had only had Bella. But this wasn't in the I-wish-we-never-had-a-second-baby type of way.  It was in the I-sure-as-Hell-don't-want-a-third way!  I look at Sophia and I love her in a way that I didn't know that I could.  I love her in the way I was afraid I would never be able to.  I look at her sleeping and I feel overwhelmed with joy.  And lately I'm looking at her and thinking about how quickly she's growing.  She's a toddler.  A full fledged toddler.  And she's happy (as long as there isn't an ear infection on the horizon!).  We have finally moved onto milk...lactose free milk, but still milk.  And we've moved beyond bottles.  Why would I want to go back?  We're moving into the stage that requires little more than a cup in order to leave the house for hours.  She can walk out to the car.  They are moving her up to the toddler room at school a few days a week.  Why start over?  In all honesty, I look at her and think about the hard times.  The sleepless nights and the crying.  And maybe it's selfish, but I'm happy with my two girls.  There are two legs in my lap, two hands to hold, and two cheeks just begging to be kissed.  Two hips and to arms in order to balance my two girls.  That's perfect for me. 

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