Sunday, April 21, 2013

The world is speeding by...

Written tonight...after bedtime.

Sometimes I can tell who's awake in the morning by the sound of their feet.
Running...always running, almost flitting, is Bella.
Lumbering...that's Sophia.

I often wonder if the heavy steps are due to her age or if she will be blessed with my linebacker's gait.
I do not walk elegantly in heels-
I walk with a purpose, on a mission-
With the commanding presence of a 300 pound NFL player...
Just ask my mom!  :0)

If there's breathing in my ear during the night
It is not my husband whispering sweet nothings.
It is Bella.

For no reason.

She just wanted to make sure I was still there.

If Sophia is awake during the night,
She's sick.
Champion sleeper, I predict she will be the one who needs to be woken on the weekends as a teenager.

But when she does wake in the morning, it is with renewed energy and excitement.
I hear her down the hall, around the corner, opening our door...

"Mommy!" (Always in that order.)
Excitement...not doubt...
Like she knew we'd be here all along.

These mornings come too early, far too early
But there is nothing like a family snuggle on the weekends.

I look around and wonder, "how many more mornings will I be blessed by this running, lumbering, squealing, hugging alarm clock?

I know these days are numbered,
As surely as I know the sun will rise tomorrow.

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