Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Productive...and a little nerdy!

I am consistently amazed at how much I can get done in such a short amount of time...when my girls are at school!  When they are home, I'm pretty much useless!  Yesterday, alone, I crossed 8 things off of my to-do list before I picked them up at 3:00.  One of those things was get my clothes altered...some of the clothes had been sitting in a bag to get altered since Bella was born...yes, almost three years!!!  It's a good thing it was just a classic pencil skirt, because otherwise it would have been out of style by now!  This is just another example of me taking care of myself for a change...I deserve to have clothes that fit me properly!

I also completed a really cool project for Bella's room.  It was so easy, and really came out so cute.

When we moved into our house, almost two years ago, Bella's room was already painted pink.  Two shades of pink, actually.  It wasn't my favorite, the paint job was shoddy in many part, the color was a bit much, and to be completely honest, I longed for her old room.  My aunt helped make it a little more hers by painting grass blades along the bottom, and I used my Cricut machine to cut out daisies to stick in the grass.  It was cute.  It was functional.  But it wasn't what I wanted for her long term.  Who would have known it would take us two years to get back to it?  A pregnancy and two kids under two will do that to your priorities!  But now is the time.  Her room is getting a make over!  It's slow in coming, but it's happening.  And I LOVE it!  I was hesitant about the yellow walls, but they look awesome!  Bella loves books, always has, so we've incorporated that into her room.  Her letters are covered in one of her favorite books, Purplicious.  We actually have an autographed cover of Pinkalicious to hang on the wall, too!  I can't wait for it to come together.

Now, on to the nerdy part...I was hired at this school to teach Above Level 6th grade Literature and Composition.  It's a tall order in a district that has high expectations and parental involvement.  (I'm not used to either, to be quite frank.)  I was also asked to revamp the mastery outcomes for this grade/course level over the summer with another teacher...who shall remain nameless, as she is a facebook phantom :0)...and it's been wonderful!!!  I've spent the last two hours creating one mastery outcome assessment and writing new report card descriptors for both courses.  For my ZHS friends, every assignment in Skyward (their version of eSembler) must be assigned to a MO.  I am thoroughly excited about the upcoming year.  I am so excited to be in the classroom again, permanently.  Last year was great, but I know that this year is really going to amaze me.  I feel prepared, which is odd considering I have never taught middle school before (aside from last year's two temporary positions) and that should be terrifying!  But it's not.  It's exhilarating...I'm ready to test myself again.  It's been too long.  

Now my crafting projects turn to my classroom...I have one in mind for the afternoon, stay tuned!  (By the way, I LOVE Pinterest!!)  I have long said I am not crafty or creative.  This is true.  It doesn't appear to be true based on some of the things I've completed, but this is misleading!  I am an excellent thief!!!  If someone else comes up with a great idea, I am all over implementing it...just don't ask me to come up with the idea alone!  

It's only 11:00 and I've already crossed 3 things off of today's to-do list!  I'm on fire!  I could get used to this stay-at-home-mom-while-my-kids-are-at-school thing!  :0)  Happy Tuesday.

1 comment:

  1. Let's be stay-at-home-moms-who-have-coffee-and/or-martinis-at-noon-while-our-kids-are-at-school!!! Maybe next summer?

    Lovin' the blog. And you are EN FUEGO, friend!!! Apparently it will be another year before I achieve this kind of productivity! :)
